The online voice of cambridge campus students
by Rosalie Young

Journalism student

When Samantha Williams was only 12, she embarked on a journey with her family to Hawaii. Little did her parents know, but they had planted the seed that would sprout and bloom all over the world. She found the traveler spirit in her soul.

At the age of 20, Williams has logged many hours on flights to Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and Fiji. While most of those hours have been with family, she has also shared them with friends and a travel group called People to People Ambassadors. This program offers educational travel opportunities for students. It can also be a tool whereby college students receive credit for their hands-on study of the history, culture, art, geography, economics and government of the regions where they stay.

Fiji is one of Williams’ favorite destinations. Fiji is comprised of 333 islands. One tiny heart-shaped island is named Tavarua. Owned by a family friend, it is surrounded by turquoise water; offers world-renowned surfing and beaches of white sand.  While in transit on one of her visits, Williams was invited to stay with a mainland family where polygamy was practiced. The family consisted of two wives sharing one husband in a house with two sides, one for one wife and kids and the other side for the other wife and kids. Williams found this situation rather strange, but it was a normal lifestyle for that family.

Williams hopes to continue to enrich her portfolio of foreign destinations with a jaunt across the Atlantic to meet the Queen.